Potrzebuje pomocy PILNE :)
W sumie nie trzeba nic pisać tylko sprawdzic czy nie mabledow w tekscie. Sprawdz poprawnosc czasow.Sprawdzajcie najmniejsze bledy. Gostkowi zalezy na takich slowkach jak also , either, as well i too. Oto moj tekxt:
Hi Michael!
Here I am in USA.
I'm very angry because the flight was relly long. I stay with my friends ( he is emigrant's). New York is beautiful. Also I visitor i Waszyngton.
School is the better as school ...
Also teachers is okey.
My friends is very friendly.
City is bigger and isn't prettier, either. I like theatr. I go to cinema, too.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Cały tekst jest jakiś dziwny :D
Hi Michale!
I'm in USA. I'm very angry because the flight was really long. I stay with my friend (he's an emigrant). New York id beautiful. I also visited Washington. School is better than my old school. Teachers are also OK. My friends are very friendly. City is bigger and either prettier. I like theatr. I go to cinema too.
jeśli możesz to napisz na końcu "with love" i podpisz się.