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Cos w stylu: Przykład z książki
Thursday 10th March
Our teacher helped us with our project. Everybody told a joke in front of the class. Adam and zeki made list of the best jokes. After school, we went to the music room and recorded the first part of the video. Adam told some jokes. We thought he was really funny!
Np.dziś w szkole miałam 3 lekcje wf i odrazu po lekcjach jechałam na trenning. Jestem wykończona. Miałam dziś śmieszne lekcje na religii opowiadaliśmy sobie dowcipy a na informatyce mieliśmy robić prezentacje i żadna z grup nawet nie zaczęła pracy wszyscy dostali jedynki. Ach to był szalony dzien
Błagam opisać dwa, trzy dni...
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Monday 9th May
Today at school I had three lessons in PE and immediately after school I was going totrenning. I'm finished. Today I had a lesson on religion funny jokes and telling stories in computer science we had to do presentations, and none of the groups even though it is not working all got one. Oh, it was a crazy day