Potrzebuje na teraz pilne blagam ! napisac po angielsku : wczoraj wieczorem zlozylam zamowinie internetowe. porownałam ceny i wybralam najtanszy produkt. postanowilam spytac sprzedawcy czy dostane jakas znizke. Otrzymalam rabat w wysokosci 15 % . towat otrzymam za 2 dni poniewaz firma nie ma go teraz w magazynie. Wplacilam kaucje w wysokosci 20 zl i jestem zadowolona z ceny mojej suszarki
Last night I placed an order online. I compared prices and chose the least expensive product. I decided to ask the seller or get any discount. I received a discount of 15%. Goods get for two days because the company does not have it now in stock. Posted bail in the amount of $ 20, and I'm happy with the price of my hair.
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Bianexx1last night submitted a requisition Internet. I compared prices and chose the cheapest product. I decided to ask the seller and got a discount. I received a discount of 15%. get the goods for two days because the company does not have it now in stock. I paid a deposit of £ 20 and I'm happy with the price of my hair.