Na obrazku widzę dwoję starszych ludzi. Oni mają około 60 lat i mają siwe włosy. Są małżeństwem i oglądają album ze zdjęciami. Na zdjęciach są ich dzieci albo wnuki.
In the image I see two elderly people. They have about 60 years old and have gray hair. They have been married and watch photo album. The photos are their children or grandchildren.
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On a picture I see I double senior people. They have about sixty years and have grey hairs. Are the married couples and examine an album with surveys. There are their children or vnuki on surveys.
Ja mam słownie napisane 60 ;p i mam najlepiej ;)
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In the image I see two elderly people. They have about 60 years old and have gray hair. They have been married and watch photo album. The photos are their children or grandchildren.
or grandchildren.
Ja mam słownie napisane 60 ;p
i mam najlepiej ;)