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Najbardziej rozpoznawany na świecie Polak urodził się w Wadowicach jako Karol Józef Wojtyła. W 1978 roku został wybrany głową Kościoła Katolickiego, stając się tym samym pierwszym papieżem spoza Włoch od 445 lat. Okres jego pontyfikatu charakteryzuje się licznymi reformami wewnątrz samego Kościoła, a także zmianą międzynarodowego wizerunku Stolicy Apostolskiej. Odbył wiele pielgrzymek zagranicznych, które zawsze przyciągały tysiące wiernych. Wiele uwagi poświęcił także dialogowi z przedstawicielami innych wyznań.
Skoczek narciarski, wciąż najbardziej popularny polski sportowiec. Zwycięzca Turnieju 4 Skoczni i złoty medalista w lotach narciarskich z Harrahowa. Wielokrotnie wygrywał na skoczniach w Salt Lake City, Spporo, Wilingen, Falnu, Trondheim czy Holmenkolen. Pod koniec sezonu ustanowił w Polanicy nowy rekord Polski – 218,5 m. Dwukrotny zdobywca Pucharu Świata. Uczynił ze skoków narciarskich niemalże sport narodowy.
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1) Identified has been born as carol of joseph in (to) most pole in the world Wadowicach Wojtyła. It has been chosen in 1978 year head of catholic church, from behind italy from 445 lat (summer; year) becoming same first pope. Period of its (his) pontificate is characterized inside of church numerous reforms, as well as change of international picture of apostolic capital. Many foreign pilgrimage has held, which (who) attracted thousand faithful always. Many notes has devoted with other representatives of confessions also dialog
2) Ski hopper, athlete still popular most polish < poland >. Winner of competition 4 take-off < lively > and medallist in ski flights (lot) with (from) zloty < golden > Harrahowa. It won on take-offs in (to) many times salt lake city, Spporo, Wilingen, Falnu, Trondheim if (or) Holmenkolen. It has established new record near the end of season in (to) polish < poland > – 218,5 .m double achiever cup world Polanicy. National sport has made from ski jumps almost.
The most recognized in the world Polak was born in Wadowice, Karol Józef Wojtyła as. In 1978 he was elected head of the Catholic Church, becoming the first non-Italian pope since 445 years. The period of his pontificate has a number of reforms within the Church itself, as well as change the international image of the Holy See. He made many pilgrimages abroad, which has always attracted thousands of people. Much attention was also devoted a dialogue with representatives of other faiths.
Ski jumper, still the most popular Polish athlete. 4-Hills-Tournament winner and gold medalist in ski flying with Harrahowa. Award-winning on the jumps in Salt Lake City, Sapporo, Wilingen, Falnu, Trondheim and Holmenkolen. At the end of the season set a new record in Planica Polish - 218.5 m two-time winner of the World Cup. Had made the ski jumping almost a national sport.