Potrzebuję na dziś Internetowy magazyn poprosił czytelników, aby opowiedzieli o problemach rodzinnych nastolatków.Napisz krótką wiadomość, w której: *poinformujesz, z kim mieszkasz;-Mieszkam z rodzicami, i jedna starsza siostra i starszym bratem *opiszesz domowe problemy.- sami coś wymyślcie :) *Wyjaśnisz co daje nastolatkom szczęście w domu.- Miłość i ciepło rodzinne. . Rodzeństwo się dobrze dogaduje. z góry dzięki
I live with my parents and older sister and brother. We don't have any seriously problems in our family. There are mostly strife between my sister and my parents. She wants to go to the party at friday night but dad doesn't let her go. Sometimes when she comes back, my mom is angry for her, because she comes too late. We have problems with housework too. I don't like wash the dishes, but I have to do it. My brother too. Love and a family warmth give us happiness. Because of this, we have a good relationships in our home and we well get along.
Love and a family warmth give us happiness. Because of this, we have a good relationships in our home and we well get along.