United Statesof America,along with Chinaand Russia,is oneof the greatestpowersin the world.The areaof the country isnearly10 millionkm 2 (which putsthemthirdin the worldafter Russia andCanada). It is hardlysurprising, therefore,that they have alot of space forpeople from differentcorners of the globeandfrom all cultures-stayingor leaving,rationalbusinessmen andvisionariescrazy.The United States isopen toeveryone -conservativesandradicalanarchists.Herein one countrypeople livefabulouslywealthyand incrediblypoor.The U.S. hasan extremelypoorpublic schools, and yet thehighest number ofNobel Prize winners.The population ofthe countryis as high as310,232,863which gives them a3rd placein the world! The diversityof this countrynot onlynot diminished,butit seemsincreasinglygaining momentum: the mediaconstantlyreport new,groundbreakingachievementsin scientific researchand technology,withrecordratesin the economy,there are newtrendsin music andentertainment.
United Statesof America,along with Chinaand Russia,is oneof the greatestpowersin the world.The areaof the country isnearly10 millionkm 2 (which putsthemthirdin the worldafter Russia andCanada).
It is hardlysurprising, therefore,that they have alot of space forpeople from differentcorners of the globeandfrom all cultures-stayingor leaving,rationalbusinessmen andvisionariescrazy.The United States isopen toeveryone -conservativesandradicalanarchists.Herein one countrypeople livefabulouslywealthyand incrediblypoor.The U.S. hasan extremelypoorpublic schools, and yet thehighest number ofNobel Prize winners.The population ofthe countryis as high as310,232,863which gives them a3rd placein the world!
The diversityof this countrynot onlynot diminished,butit seemsincreasinglygaining momentum: the mediaconstantlyreport new,groundbreakingachievementsin scientific researchand technology,withrecordratesin the economy,there are newtrendsin music andentertainment.