Potrzebne na dziś !!
Napisz opis Seleny Gomez. Kim jest ( data urodzenia, czym się zajmuje itd), opis wyglądu (włosy, atrakcyjna itd), ubrania ( co nosi, jakiego koloru są ubrania, jakie wzory itd), charakter oraz zdanie podsumowujące ( jej działalność, za co ją lubisz itd).
W załączniku dodałam zdjęcia które umieszcze na plakacie i do nich też proszę się odnieść w pracy, głównie mam na myśli ubrania
Niech to będzie na więcej niż połowę strony A4.
Proszę o wzięcie się za tą prace osoby które znają się dobrze na języku angielskim, inaczej zgłaszam. Dzięki z góry ; ))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Selena Gomez was born in 22 July 1992 in Grand Praire . She is american actress and singer of Mexican descent.Since September 2009 serves as UNICEF Ambassador.
She plays the piano, giutar and percussion.
Selena has hot a long black hair and she has got dark eyes. The girl is attractive and she has got lovely smile :). She likes to wear sports clothes and elegant. She is dressed appropriately for the event. She likes to wear a short dresses but not too challenging. Selena wears sports clothes usually a T-shirt and shorts have any light footwear.Selena Gomez wears shoes on high heels, which wears shorts and a loose sensual tunic in vibrant colors and shorts and a gas ( opis 3 obrazka od końca). During the events, and various public appearances Selena wears a dress with tucked,I think that he wants to emphasize its strengths( opis ostatniego obrazka)
I don't know her personally, but a man can be known after the dresses I think it is a difficult character, always has his way, he defends his sentence.
I like Selena Gomez because she isn't trying to be someone who isn't. Being someone other than you isn't leading to anything.
Liczę na naj :)