Postanowiłeś zmienić coś w swoim wyglądzie pod wpływem osoby , którą gdzieś zobaczyłeś. Napisz e-mail do kolegi o swoim pomyśle. *napisz gdzie zobaczyłeś tą osobę *opisz jej wygląd i co przykuło Twoją uwagę *porównaj swój wygląd z wyglądem tej osoby *poproś kolegę , żeby towarzyszył Ci w zakupach w najbliższy weekend
80-130 słów
Dear Marcin, I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. I was very busy. How are you feeling now? I'm writting to tell you that I saw a really fashionable person yesterday. I saw her in a shopping mall. She was average and skinny (albo zamiast skinny - slender). Her hair was medium length, curly and brown. She had lightly tanned skin. She was wearing a spectacular beige dress and black high-heels. I really like dresses like that! I'm not as slim as she is. The dress she was wearing wouldn't suit me. I'm stocky and quite short. Have you made any plans for the weekend? We can go shopping next weekend. I will be happy if you accompany me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care, XYZ
I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. I was very busy. How are you feeling now?
I'm writting to tell you that I saw a really fashionable person yesterday. I saw her in a shopping mall. She was average and skinny (albo zamiast skinny - slender). Her hair was medium length, curly and brown. She had lightly tanned skin. She was wearing a spectacular beige dress and black high-heels. I really like dresses like that!
I'm not as slim as she is. The dress she was wearing wouldn't suit me. I'm stocky and quite short.
Have you made any plans for the weekend? We can go shopping next weekend. I will be happy if you accompany me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care,