September 2018 1 67 Report

Porównując ułożenie cząsteczek wody w stanie płynnym i lodzie wyjaśnij, dlaczego w wielu przypadkach zamarznięcie wody w komórce powoduje zniszczeie licznych struktur komórkowych.

To chodzi o to, że pękają wiązania wodorowe?

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Uzupełnij luki: 23. Can you tell the difference .............................. the political system in .............................. USA and that in Great Britain? 24. ............................. do you suspect ............................ having destroyed the evidence? 25. You .............................. better get rid .............................. these chemicals. They .............................. be dangerous. 26. The Browns, our neighbours, find .............................. really hard to .............................. ends meet. 27. Our boss is thinking .............................. moving the company headquarters .............................. a city bigger .............................. Mursey. 28. ‘Did any of them reply .............................. your question?’ ‘No, .............................. of them knew .............................. to answer it correctly.’ 29. It cannot be the M5. If it .............................. the M5, we would .............................. going south. 30. Let’s .............................. a few photos here, .............................. we? The landscapes are .............................. magnificent than anywhere else I’ve been ............................ . 31. ‘How .............................. having some grilled lamb instead .............................. smoked pork?’ ‘That’s a good idea. Could I also get a few .............................. of bread?’ 32. Paris may be famous .............................. its artistic freedom, but I’d much .............................. live in Vienna. 33. I was told .............................. mail the letters as .............................. as possible. 34. If .............................. it were summer, we would be .............................. to go swimming in the sea and sunbathing .............................. the beach. 35. .............................. who are .............................. favour of the notions, raise their right hand, please. 36. Your opinion is .............................. great importance to me. I will never do anything .............................. asking you first. 37. Sheila has been appointed .............................. our chairman, but she says she needs time .............................. make .............................. her mind. 38. .............................. usual, .............................. has been a great commotion about promotions and bonuses in our department. 39. ‘What’s .............................. the menu today?’ ‘Smoked salmon, caviar, venison and many .............................. delicacies, sir.’

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