Poproszę o napisanie prostych zdań, takich łatwych w słownictwie :) 15 zdań o Indiach ;) <m.in. ludnosc itp> Angielski!!!
Daje maxa!! ^^
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India is the state located in the southern part of the Asian continent, the country is being poured with the km2.Od thousand occupying area 3 287,6 of the south-east with waters of the Bay of Bengal, from the south-west whereas with waters of the Arabian Sea. The shoreline is little urozmaicona.W the composition of territory of India is accessing also a Lakkadiwy archipelago, located in the distance of 450 km to the west of coasts of the country.Delhi.Granice is a capital city of India land in the considerable part have a country natural course, are running along mountain chains. The area of the peninsula Indian is a part prakontynentu Gondwany which at the end of the Cretaceous broke down, but his parts joined in the continental Azji.W base of the north part of India a chain of the Himalaya, stretching out is on a length about 1 200 km. The settlement in this part of the country is focusing in the area of valleys śródgórskich. Most important from them - the Kashmiri Valley is famous from picturesque and of hot springs about the temperature coming up to 90 ° C. in the borderland with Nepal is trailing Karakorum mountain chain. The climate of this region is changing along with the increase in the height u. pt. flat A moderate warm climate is ruling in valleys, in high mountains the winter lasts 6 months, great twenty-four hour fluctuations of temperatures are appearing. Mountain ranges of the north part of the country came into existence in the alpine orogeny as a result of colliding of Australian plate with the Eurasian plate. Orogenic movements last still.