Pomuszcie potrzebuje na teraz 40 zdań z angielskiego przeczące ,pytające i odpowiadające z góry dziękuje
1. I was in cinema yesterday. 2. I don't usually watch the news. 3. Where were you, when I was cleaning your room? 4. I am tired when I must walk very fast. 5. He wasn't there. 6. Did you wash this thing out? 7. What the hell is that? 8. It's going to blister. 9. There is a reading room there. 10. The shop is situated on different levels. 11. What do you say, dear? 12. I have not seen a paper for some days. 13. We live a couple of tube stops from your house. 14. Most of us have stories about brattish behaviour. 15. Best role models are close to you. 16. Famous people set bad examples to teenagers. 17. Marietta wrote her first book specially for the competition. 18. Branson plans to set a new record. 19. Astronauts will have to train for a few years in a space base. 20. Why didn't you eat your breakfast? 21. The show was terribly boring but we kept watching it. 22. You should never leave the gas heater switched on when you go out. 23. We couldn't go on the excursion to the ruined city, beacause of the thunderstorm. 24. Children are still required to write properly in schools. 25. Nowadays the whole language is being shortened in everyday use. 26. Judi got Rolly when he was a puppy. 27. Laughing can be a total body workout. 28. Amar runs more than 48 km every day. 29. The boy was sold to a judo coach by his mother. 30. The coatch noticed the boy's talent. 31. The boy is learning the local language at school. 32. I'm afraid, I'm not very good at cooking. 33. As you earn more money you also spend more. 34. Should you see them, please give them my regards. 35. The mobile phone is one of the best inventions ever. 36. That was enough to gain access. 37. Should I make a speech to other students? 38. I can't protest against school! 39. I talk to Jules every day, about five times. 40. Women realised that her telephone was stolen.
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Pytające: 1. Shall we go for a walk? - moze pojdziemy na spacer 2. May I take your hat?- czy moge prosic o panski kapelusz 3. May I ask you something? - czy mogę o coś zapytac 4. Who had studied English? - kto uczył się angielskiego 5. Would you be able to do it yourself? - czy byłbys w stanie zrobic to sam 6. Can you help me? - czy mozesz mi pomoc 7. Will you cook a dinner for me? - ugotujesz dla mnie obiad 8. Will you marry me? - wyjdziesz za mnie 9. What happened your mum? - co sie stalo twojej mamie 10. What do you think about it? - co o tym myslisz 11. Is there a stadium or playing field? - czy jest tam stadion albo boisko
twierdzące: 1. I am looking for a job - szukam pracy 2, I am so grateful that you helped me - jestem ci wdzieczna za pomoc 3. I had some problems with receiving your documents - miałam problemy z odebraniem twoich dokumentów 4. They will be writing the test from 10 to 12 - beda pisac test od 10 do 12 5. He has a hard food poisoning - on ma zatrucie pokarmowe 6. I promise I will come to your home next time - obiecuje, ze przyjde do ciebie nastepnym razem 7. 3 days ago I prepared some attractions for tomorrow 3 dni temu przygotowałam pare atrakcji dla was na jutro 8. In restaurant "Oviedo" you'll have a delicious lunch - w restauracji Oviedo będziecie mieli obiad 9. It will last about 1 hour - to będzie trwac 1 godzine 10. She started shouting at me - ona zaczela na mnie krzyczec 11. I'm feeling so stupid - czuje sie bardzo glupio 12. I ate lunch with my friends after my english course - jadłam obiad z przyjaciolmi po moim kursie angielskiego 13. I would love to take you for a lunch tomorrow - z przyjemnoscia zabiore was na obiad jutro 14. Everyone was looking at me - wszyscy na mnie patrzyli 15. I had to go home 6 km - musialam isc 6 km 16. I went out of the bus in nearest bus stop - wyszlam z autobusu na najblizszym przystanku 17. A Bus was crowded and all places were occupied - autobus byl zatloczony i wszyskie miejsca byly zajete 18. I was standing near door - stalam blisko drzwi 19. He will be travelling by plane - pn bedzie podrozowal samolotem
przeczące: 1. I hadn't no idea that you're waiting for me with meal - nie mialam poijecia ze czekacie na mnie z obiadem 2. you can't imagine how nervous I was yesterday - nawet sobie nie wyobrażasz jaka byłam zdenerwowana wczoraj 3. I hadn't no idea what I had to do - nie miałam pojecia co robic 4. This bus won't arrive in London at 9.35 -ten autobus nie bedzie kursowal o 9.35 5. His father didn't give him money - jego ojciec nie dal mu pieniedzy 6. My mother wasn't in the hospital -moja mama nie byla w szpitalu 7. I hand't go to school - nie musialam isc do szkoly 8. Don't let them do it -nie pozwol im na to 9. He won't be a vet because he changed his plans- on nie bedzie weterynarzem poniewaz zmienil swoje plany 10. I can't be your friend - nie moge byc twoim przyjacielem.
2. I don't usually watch the news.
3. Where were you, when I was cleaning your room?
4. I am tired when I must walk very fast.
5. He wasn't there.
6. Did you wash this thing out?
7. What the hell is that?
8. It's going to blister.
9. There is a reading room there.
10. The shop is situated on different levels.
11. What do you say, dear?
12. I have not seen a paper for some days.
13. We live a couple of tube stops from your house.
14. Most of us have stories about brattish behaviour.
15. Best role models are close to you.
16. Famous people set bad examples to teenagers.
17. Marietta wrote her first book specially for the competition.
18. Branson plans to set a new record.
19. Astronauts will have to train for a few years in a space base.
20. Why didn't you eat your breakfast?
21. The show was terribly boring but we kept watching it.
22. You should never leave the gas heater switched on when you go out.
23. We couldn't go on the excursion to the ruined city, beacause of the thunderstorm.
24. Children are still required to write properly in schools.
25. Nowadays the whole language is being shortened in everyday use.
26. Judi got Rolly when he was a puppy.
27. Laughing can be a total body workout.
28. Amar runs more than 48 km every day.
29. The boy was sold to a judo coach by his mother.
30. The coatch noticed the boy's talent.
31. The boy is learning the local language at school.
32. I'm afraid, I'm not very good at cooking.
33. As you earn more money you also spend more.
34. Should you see them, please give them my regards.
35. The mobile phone is one of the best inventions ever.
36. That was enough to gain access.
37. Should I make a speech to other students?
38. I can't protest against school!
39. I talk to Jules every day, about five times.
40. Women realised that her telephone was stolen.
1. Shall we go for a walk? - moze pojdziemy na spacer
2. May I take your hat?- czy moge prosic o panski kapelusz
3. May I ask you something? - czy mogę o coś zapytac
4. Who had studied English? - kto uczył się angielskiego
5. Would you be able to do it yourself? - czy byłbys w stanie zrobic to sam
6. Can you help me? - czy mozesz mi pomoc
7. Will you cook a dinner for me? - ugotujesz dla mnie obiad
8. Will you marry me? - wyjdziesz za mnie
9. What happened your mum? - co sie stalo twojej mamie
10. What do you think about it? - co o tym myslisz
11. Is there a stadium or playing field? - czy jest tam stadion albo boisko
1. I am looking for a job - szukam pracy
2, I am so grateful that you helped me - jestem ci wdzieczna za pomoc
3. I had some problems with receiving your documents - miałam problemy z odebraniem twoich dokumentów
4. They will be writing the test from 10 to 12 - beda pisac test od 10 do 12
5. He has a hard food poisoning - on ma zatrucie pokarmowe
6. I promise I will come to your home next time - obiecuje, ze przyjde do ciebie nastepnym razem
7. 3 days ago I prepared some attractions for tomorrow 3 dni temu przygotowałam pare atrakcji dla was na jutro
8. In restaurant "Oviedo" you'll have a delicious lunch - w restauracji Oviedo będziecie mieli obiad
9. It will last about 1 hour - to będzie trwac 1 godzine
10. She started shouting at me - ona zaczela na mnie krzyczec
11. I'm feeling so stupid - czuje sie bardzo glupio
12. I ate lunch with my friends after my english course - jadłam obiad z przyjaciolmi po moim kursie angielskiego
13. I would love to take you for a lunch tomorrow - z przyjemnoscia zabiore was na obiad jutro
14. Everyone was looking at me - wszyscy na mnie patrzyli
15. I had to go home 6 km - musialam isc 6 km
16. I went out of the bus in nearest bus stop - wyszlam z autobusu na najblizszym przystanku
17. A Bus was crowded and all places were occupied - autobus byl zatloczony i wszyskie miejsca byly zajete
18. I was standing near door - stalam blisko drzwi
19. He will be travelling by plane - pn bedzie podrozowal samolotem
1. I hadn't no idea that you're waiting for me with meal - nie mialam poijecia ze czekacie na mnie z obiadem
2. you can't imagine how nervous I was yesterday - nawet sobie nie wyobrażasz jaka byłam zdenerwowana wczoraj
3. I hadn't no idea what I had to do - nie miałam pojecia co robic
4. This bus won't arrive in London at 9.35 -ten autobus nie bedzie kursowal o 9.35
5. His father didn't give him money - jego ojciec nie dal mu pieniedzy
6. My mother wasn't in the hospital -moja mama nie byla w szpitalu
7. I hand't go to school - nie musialam isc do szkoly
8. Don't let them do it -nie pozwol im na to
9. He won't be a vet because he changed his plans- on nie bedzie weterynarzem poniewaz zmienil swoje plany
10. I can't be your friend - nie moge byc twoim przyjacielem.
mam nadzieje, ze pomoglam