Pomuszcie mi z polskiego na angielski przetłumaczyć te zdania bo mam je na jutro 1.W zimie ja noszę kurtkę i czapkę . 2.Kiedy idę do szkoły na egzamin zakładam czarną spódnice , biała koszula i buty na obcasie . 3. W lecie lubie nosić japonki i sukienke . 4.Moja mama kupiła mi kwiecistą spódnice . 5. Moja ciocia zgubiła złoty pierścionek . 6. Na urodziny dostałam srebrny naszyjnik . 7. Ja lubie moją kurtke we wzorki . 8. Uczniowie muszą nosić eleganckie ubrania do szkoły . 9. W domu moja mama nosi pantofle i codziennie ubrania . 10. Moja siostra musi kupić nowe kozaki . 11. Czy mogę pożyczyć pasek ponieważ moje spodnie są duże .
1.In the winter I wear a jacket and cap. 2. I go to school for the exam, I assume a black skirt, white shirt and high heels 3. In the summer I like to wear flip-flops and dress. 4.My mom bought me a flowery skirts 5. My aunt lost her gold ring 6. On the birthday I got a silver necklace 7. I like my jacket in the patterns 8. Students must wear smart clothes to school 9. At home, my mom wears everyday clothes and shoes 10. My sister has to buy new boots 11. Can I borrow a belt because my pants are big.
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1.In the winter I wear a jacket and cap. 2.When I go to school for the exam, I wear a black skirt, white shirt and high boots. 3. In the summer I like to wear flip-flops and dress. 4.My mom bought me a flowery skirts. 5. My aunt lost her gold ring. 6. On the birthday I got a silver necklace. 7. I like my jacket in the patterns. 8. Students must wear elegant clothes for school. 9. At home, my mom wears shoes and everyday clothing. 10. My sister have to buy new boots. 11. Can I borrow a belt because my pants are big.
2. I go to school for the exam, I assume a black skirt, white shirt and high heels
3. In the summer I like to wear flip-flops and dress.
4.My mom bought me a flowery skirts
5. My aunt lost her gold ring
6. On the birthday I got a silver necklace
7. I like my jacket in the patterns
8. Students must wear smart clothes to school
9. At home, my mom wears everyday clothes and shoes
10. My sister has to buy new boots
11. Can I borrow a belt because my pants are big.
2.When I go to school for the exam, I wear a black skirt, white shirt and high boots.
3. In the summer I like to wear flip-flops and dress.
4.My mom bought me a flowery skirts.
5. My aunt lost her gold ring.
6. On the birthday I got a silver necklace.
7. I like my jacket in the patterns.
8. Students must wear elegant clothes for school.
9. At home, my mom wears shoes and everyday clothing.
10. My sister have to buy new boots.
11. Can I borrow a belt because my pants are big.