W New Jersey mieszka 8,7 milionów ludzi.Jest to dobrze rozwinęty gospodarczo kraj . Powierzchnia tego państwa wynosi ponad 20,2 tys. km² .Większością tej formy terenu są niziny. Ta część kraju weszła do Unii Europejskiej 18 grudnia 1787 roku.
In New Jersey,8.7 millionlive.It welIs well developedlcountryeconomically.Area ofthe countryis more than20.2 thousand.km ².Majorityof thelandforms areplains. This part of thecountryjoined the European Union December 18, 1787year.
Fourofthe largest citiesareLosAngeles, SanDiego, SanJoseand SanFrancisco.In California,thereareas many as eightof the fiftylargest cities inthe United States. The stateis known fordiversenatural environmentand climate, as well asmultiracialand multiculturalsociety. Stretchesofterritorybetween thePacificcoastand the mountains,the SierraNevadato the east,the Mojavedesertin the southeastand forests(with a predominance ofredwoodandJedlica)to the northeast.Valleyisthe center ofthe state ofCalifornia, oneof the most productiveagriculturalareas in the world.Lyingin the state ofDeath Valley(86m below sea level) isthe lowest pointin North America.
W New Jersey mieszka 8,7 milionów ludzi.Jest to dobrze rozwinęty gospodarczo kraj . Powierzchnia tego państwa wynosi ponad 20,2 tys. km² .Większością tej formy terenu są niziny.
Ta część kraju weszła do Unii Europejskiej
18 grudnia 1787 roku.
In New Jersey,8.7 millionlive.It welIs well developedlcountryeconomically.Area ofthe countryis more than20.2 thousand.km ².Majorityof thelandforms areplains.
This part of thecountryjoined the European Union
December 18, 1787year.
Four of the largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco. In California, there are as many as eight of the fifty largest cities in the United States.
The state is known for diverse natural environment and climate, as well as multiracialand multicultural society.
Stretches of territory between the Pacific coast and the mountains, the Sierra Nevada to the east, the Mojave desert in the southeast and forests (with a predominance ofredwood and Jedlica) to the northeast. Valley is the center of the state of California, oneof the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Lying in the state of Death Valley(86 m below sea level) is the lowest point in North America.