Pomóżcie przetłumaczyć ... !! :( Na JUŻ !!
Przepraszam że nie napisałam wcześniej ale miałam małe problemy z intenetem.. Pisałaś mi że masz problem ze znajomymi w szkole , po za szkołą
i że tez nie dajesz sobie rade kontrolować swoje ciało więc może dam ci parę rad. W sprawie znajomych to może spróbuj jakoś im pomóc w czymś jeśli była taka potrzeba , zaprzyjaźniaj sie na nowo. A jeśli chodzi o twoje problemy z ciałem to ja na twoim miejscu dołączyła bym do jakiejś dróżyny sportowej lub chodziła na różne zajęcia treningowe albo do innyhc takich miejsc. Mam nadzieje że wykorzystasz kótreś z tych rad i wszystko sie ułoży . Pozdrawiam będziemy w kontakcie . Jeśli sie coś zmieni napisz szybko .. Pa :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm sorry that I haven't written earlier but I had some problems with the Internet. You wrote that you have some problems with friends at school and beyond it and that you cannot control your body. When it comes to friends, you should try to help them in some way if there is such a need. You shoul get on with them from the begining. And when it comes to your body, if I were you, I would join a sport club or I would attend some trainings or go to such places. I hope you will use some of these advices and that everything will be allright. Best regards. Let's keep in touch. If something changes write me as soon as possible.
I apologise for not replying any sooner – I had some problems with the internet connection. You wrote that you had some problems with your classmates and friends from outside the school, and that you couldn’t get on with your own body. Let me give you some advice. As for your friends you could try to help them if they need it – make friends again. As for the body problem, well, If I were you I would join a sports team of some kind or attend a fitness course or something alike. I hope you will follow my advice and things will get better. Best regards. We’ll keep in touch. Write as soon as things should change. Bye.