pomóżcie mi proszę.. to jest na jutro
"opisz najlepsze wspomnienie ze swojego dzieciństwa, użyj czasu past simple" (20zdań najmniej)
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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InchildhoodI lovedto dance.My parentsenrolledmeindanceschoolwho learnedto dancetwo years.He likedhorsebackrideeven gota ponyfor 6birthday.My momtook metomy grandmotheroftenaugrandmotherdoing that,amdifferentżeczyegwczodzilamthetreeand jumpeduncleI tookthe phoneand ran awaywith him.I got upin the morningasitalwayswokedadwhoalwaysdrovemeto sleep.I used to eatfor breakfastwith milkchrubkisoupfor lunchanddinnerflakeswith milk.Holidayalwaysrodeto the sea.I hada dog namedcanswhoalwaysciongalmeinwintersledding.I lovedto eatice cream.I alwaysinvitefriends.Which broughtdollswith carsandwe had funinthere.My momalways madeusrequested thechips orpizza.November 25I had abirthdayandthe whole familycame, the futureof my friendsgave me£400.Which providedfor clothes.Mygrandfathertook meat the Farmandboughtme ahorse.I calledhorsestar.My parentsgave mea laptopfor my birthdaybutgladI wasnothappydokonca.BecauseI did not getabarbiedollfrom thebeginning of the yearktoromasked.My parentstook me to thetoy storeandI boughtadollforthemazylam.He likedto walkon pins and needles.I lovedchocolate