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Hello Adam
Hope you're ok. I'm not unfortunately.
I fell out with my parents yesterday. I wanted to hang out with my friends to the "Lost cafe" but my mum said I have to study. I told her I did all my homework, but she said that I can check it again. I did it, but then she said it is too late to go out. I was so mad that I started shouting on her. Unfortunately my dad came back home and heard everything. He was so mad, because of my screaming that he said I am grounded.
I am really sorry now, because I could be more calm and it is totally my foult. I don't know how to apologize them now. If you were me what would you do? Plz write me back quckly.
Love XYZ
Welcome then again I quarrelled with parents and I am terribly angry for this way behaving with them. I wanted them to let me go for the event, but they as usual disagreed! I am hurt terribly that almost everyone from the class there will be, but not I, and now we are not saying a word because a bit to ourselves we shouted. What I am supposed now to do, help. Anna.