1.Odpowiedz na pytania
a)What's your house or flat like??
b) Would you like to live in the countyside? Why not?
2.Wspólnie z kolegą/koleżanką wynajeliścię mieszkanie, puste i wymagające odnowienia. Porozmawiajcie o tym,jak je urządzicie. Poniżej są podane cztery kwestie, które musisz omówić w rozmowie z egzaminującym.
kolory wnętrz / potrzebne meble/ niezbędny sprzęt AG/ podział obowiązków
Łatwe i krótnie zdania.
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a. My house is small and red.
b. No, becouse i don't like it.
2. hi Adam
-hello, what colour are you prefer to wall in our house?
-oh, i think a green will be great to every room!
-that's good idea. What's about furniture? What kind of it?
-I think we must have a wardrobe, table, chair to living room. To kitchen a fridge and a sink. A toilet and washbasin will be good to bathroom.
- Hmm.. Good, but also we must have a Tv and radio in living room.
- Good idea! Now we must assign work in house. I'm prefer I going to create a wall and buy a furniture, but you're going to furnish the furniture.
- Ok. See you later. Bye