Poda mi ktoś legende o smoku wawelskim po angielsku??proszee:)
When unfeeling dragon he made his abode jamę to wawelskim braes Gród krakowski shivered through fear! Beast wolfed the brute creation as well fowl domowe , and them plus victualed , the rather postulated yourselves toll. When stock viands were yet tight dragon zaczął shoot so to people. Calling via king subordinate it came to nothing wrestle down detractor. why earns sovereign sent varlets to bid on total housings , that person , that thighs yourselves kill dragon , peritoneum capital reward. Many śmiałków testing put to death dragon , whereas I am sorry nikomu yourselves not udało. With that tug gazing yourselves account shoemaker. When several day desponded to capital coinage! Purchased aries. decontrolled all thereof viscera , and skin voluminously taskmaster sulphur as well tar. Yes przygotowane animal throw up prior den dragon , who lured wind lambs , exited ex lacunas as well with expedition bolted couplings tasty bit. Perceived strident twinge flame zaczął bail thereof gastric! Giant finessed until water edge rivers as well zaczął take wodę. Thereof stomach ex seconds to just a second pond yourselves coraz major! Dragon drank drank drank until broke! ON Grodziczno bogged mirth , and hero were duly paid.