Połącz słowo z definicją 1 explores 2discipline 3values 4fair 5behaviour a) the way that someone does things, for example, at school b) treating everyone in a good and equal way c)the way that we make people obey rules d) ideals that are important in our lives e) looks at, investigates
zad2 Do każdego z poniższych zdań (1-4) dopisz zdanie twierdzące o takim samym znaczeniu. Użyj podanych wyrazów: late, single, hate, an only child 1. He really doesn't like familly dinners. 2. He doesnt have any brothers or sister. 3. He never arrives on time. 4. He isn't married.
2 B
3 D
4 C
5 A
1. He hates family dinners.
2. He's n only child.
3. He's always late.
4. He's single.
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