Planujesz kupić nowy telefon. Napisz e-mail do kolegi, który zna się na nowych technologiach. -Wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie kontaktowałeś się z nim przez dłuższy czas. -Poinformuj kolegę, co się stało z twoim starym telefonem. -Poproś o radę, jaki telefon wybrać. -Napisz, gdzie obecnie przebywasz, i zaproś kolegę, aby cię odwiedził.
Mike, How have you been doing recently? I have been great so far! I had a couple of family problems and issues that pulled me back from my social life. Excuse me for not keeping in touch with you for so long but I promise to be better from now on.
I remember you were always proficient with the newest technology. My old phone has just stopped working and I will need to buy a new one. I need it to be fast and dependable. Could you recommend me something?
Right now I am living in Miami, Florida. I was thinking… maybe you could pay me a visit next month? I am more than happy to meet with you and chat for a while.
How have you been doing recently? I have been great so far! I had a couple of family problems and issues that pulled me back from my social life. Excuse me for not keeping in touch with you for so long but I promise to be better from now on.
I remember you were always proficient with the newest technology. My old phone has just stopped working and I will need to buy a new one. I need it to be fast and dependable. Could you recommend me something?
Right now I am living in Miami, Florida. I was thinking… maybe you could pay me a visit next month? I am more than happy to meet with you and chat for a while.
Let me know what you think,