uzupelnij zdania wyrazami: light candles, tower, carving, flying, bad luck, full moon, sculptures, costumes, contest, colours, parade
1. this bag comes in many diffrent...........and size
2.there are some amazing snow...............in the park
3. the children are wearing colourful carnival .............
4. there's a wonderful ............in the sky tonight.
5. we ......... and put them in the river to carry away bad luck
6. look at that ballon ................. high in the air
7. Matthew wants to make a wood .........of a bird for his.
8. some people believe black cats bring............bad luck
9. do you want to watch the song .........on TV with me
10.In spain there is festival where peoplestan on each other and make a human...............
2. wpisz w zdanie odpowiednie wyrazenie: throw, take, daning , doing, crown, carve, raining , make
1. try not to .............noise. The baby is sleeping
2.It's carnival time and people are ............ and having fun in the streets
3. I'm ............. my shopping tomorrow. do yo want to come with me?
4. Some people .............pumpkins on Halloween
5. Students ......... a king and queen at the school dance
6. I'm cold! Don't ......... snowballs at me
7. I'm going to the park. It's ...............
8.Let's .............. a photo of the children
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. sculptures
4.full moon
5. light candles
8.bad luck
7 raining
1. this bag comes in many diffrent colours and size
2.there are some amazing snow sculpture in the park
3. the children are wearing colourful carnival costumes
4. there's a wonderful full moon in the sky tonight.
5. we and put them in the river to carry away bad luck
6. look at that ballon flying high in the air
7. Matthew wants to make a wood sculpture of a bird for his.
8. some people believe black cats bring bad luck
9. do you want to watch the song on TV with me
10.In spain there is festival where peoplestan on each other and make a human parade
try not to make noise. The baby is sleeping
2.It's carnival time and people are dancing and having fun in the streets
3. I'm doing my shopping tomorrow. do yo want to come with me?
4. Some people carve pumpkins on Halloween
5. Students crown a king and queen at the school dance
6. I'm cold! Don't throw snowballs at me
7. I'm going to the park. It's raining
8.Let's take a photo of the children