LIST PRYWATNY Wracając z dłuższego pobytu w Oxfordzie, zatrzymałaś się w Londynie i spędziłaś noc w hotelu, który ktoś ci poliecił. Niestety, warunki w hotelu odbiegały znacznie od tego, czego się spodziewałaś. Zredaguj list do znajomych w Oxfordzie: *Napisz, gdzie się zatrzymałaś i kto vi polecił to miejsce. *Powiedz, jakich warunków się spodziewałaś i jak wyglądała rzeczywistość. *Opisz swoją reację na złe warunki i jakie było ostateczne rozwiązanie sytuacji. *Powiedz, jak przebiegła powratna podróż do domu i podziękuj im za gościnę.
PS.Ma być 120-150 slow.
Słów jest co prawda 155 ale mam nadzieję, że to nie będzie wielki problem.
Dear Mark, How are you doing? I wonder if you had a good time with me in Oxford. When I was flying to Poland I stopped in London for a weekend. My friend Marta told me to stay the night in nice hotel on the outskirts of town. She said that is a small hotel, with cosy, new rooms in quiet neibourhood. She was wrong very much. Rooms were ugly and messy and windows were dirty. Neibourhood was terible. There were many terrifying men. I was scared when I must go shopping to buy some food for supper. At least I called to my friend from London. She took me from the hotel and put up for night at her home. The more distant part of a jorney home was good. The plane landed at good time. Thank you very much for your inviting and see you next time in Poland. All the best XYZ
Dear Mark,
How are you doing? I wonder if you had a good time with me in Oxford.
When I was flying to Poland I stopped in London for a weekend. My friend Marta told me to stay the night in nice hotel on the outskirts of town. She said that is a small hotel, with cosy, new rooms in quiet neibourhood. She was wrong very much. Rooms were ugly and messy and windows were dirty. Neibourhood was terible. There were many terrifying men. I was scared when I must go shopping to buy some food for supper. At least I called to my friend from London. She took me from the hotel and put up for night at her home. The more distant part of a jorney home was good. The plane landed at good time. Thank you very much for your inviting and see you next time in Poland.
All the best