otrzymałeś lis od aglicznojezycznej kolezanki z informacja o jej postanowieniu by sie szybko odchudzic stosując nowatorską diete. w odpowiedzi napisz list w który:
-powiedz jej o konsekwencjach zdrowotnych takiego postepowania
-zasugeruj zmiane trybu życia
-odrzuc jej argumenty co do szybkich rezultatów ww diety, podając swoje
-podaj pezykład znanej ci osoby która schudła poprzez cwiczenia, bez drastycznych metod dietetycznych.
MINIMÓW 120 SŁÓW czekam na rozwiązanie z góry dzieki
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Dear Caroline
I have to answer your letter. You wrote that you decided to go on diet. It is great, I am really glad that you want to keep fit, but not the way you described. Do you know that it is very unhealthy to you? You can get ill or maybe you could have more serious problem. I have another idea for you. You can attend to sport club or something. Running is very good selection, because almost all muscels are committed. You can also try basketball, football or volleyball. Everything you do, you should think about it! My friend also had problem with his weight, but after my advice, he lost his overweight very quickly. Sport is really the best way to be healthy and fit. Good luck!
Yours faithfully