Opowiedz koledze z Anglii o przedstawieniu teatralnym na którym ostatnio byłeś. Napisz list i napisz w nim: Gdzie i z kim poszedłeś do teatru, O czym było przedstawienie i jacy grali w nim aktorzy; Czy i dlaczego warto było pójść na to przedstawienie, Jak spędziliście czas po teatrze i o której godzinie wróciłeś do domu
Hi Tom, On Monday I and my friend - Albert went to theater. Show was wonderful, I and Albert was impressed. Performance was about couple in love, who can't mutually. The story was similar to reading 'Romeo and Julia' because family didn't want that young people they were together. In show performed students with our school also teachers. In ma opinion to see this show because is worth a look. After performance they went restaurant on ice cream and hot chocolate. In home went 6 o'clock.
On Monday I and my friend - Albert went to theater. Show was wonderful, I and Albert was impressed. Performance was about couple in love, who can't mutually. The story was similar to reading 'Romeo and Julia' because family didn't want that young people they were together. In show performed students with our school also teachers. In ma opinion to see this show because is worth a look. After performance they went restaurant on ice cream and hot chocolate. In home went 6 o'clock.