Proszę o napisanie pocztówki do kolegi - Anglika, którego niedawno poznałeś. Mieszkasz u rodziny angielskiej w Londynie. Poinformuj go: - gdzie mieszkasz i krótko napisz o sobie /wiek, zainteresowania/, - kiedy przyjechałeś do Anglii, co tu porabiasz, - jak spędzasz wolny czas, - co do tej pory zrobiło na Tobie największe wrażenie. prosze pomóżcie, jest mi to bardzo ale to bardzo potrzebne jak najszybciej
How are you doing? I hope you are well. I live in London at the moment. I am (wiek) years old, I like dancing, drawing and singing. I arrived to London last month. When I have some free time I go to the cinema, to the park for a walk. The most impressive things in London are relics. They are so beautiful and you can't see them in any other city.
I am naming sie Anna. I am 13 years old. I live in Warsaw in Poland. My interests are drawing and singing. I have blad the long hair and blue hair. The most lubie skateboarding and of garden hoes on a computer. I arrived in London last week. I came the auntie to see. The most here an eye appealed to me londynu. Widac from it entire londyn and surroundings. I could see also creases ben, is very cool. I am having high hopes that sie soon we will meet.
Dear Mr Black
How are you doing? I hope you are well. I live in London at the moment. I am (wiek) years old, I like dancing, drawing and singing. I arrived to London last month. When I have some free time I go to the cinema, to the park for a walk. The most impressive things in London are relics. They are so beautiful and you can't see them in any other city.
Best wishes
Imię i nazwisko
Reverence Mikołaj!
I am naming sie Anna. I am 13 years old. I live in Warsaw in Poland. My interests are drawing and singing. I have blad the long hair and blue hair. The most lubie skateboarding and of garden hoes on a computer. I arrived in London last week. I came the auntie to see. The most here an eye appealed to me londynu. Widac from it entire londyn and surroundings. I could see also creases ben, is very cool. I am having high hopes that sie soon we will meet.
For seeing