opisz w 5 zdaniachjak twoim zdaniem będzie wyglądać przyszłość za sto lat ( po angielsku )
mają być proste zdania
NaJutroHELPIf you do notchangein the useof natural resourcesand disposalof chemical wastetomankindfor 100 yearswaiting forlife on Earthin the landscapesof the filmsfantasycznychstraight.To thisever-changingclimatewill not bekind to thenext generation.Catastrophicweather anomalies, largefluctuations in temperatureand insome placesa complete change ofscenerysuch asblizzardsin southernEurope ...
I think people will travel by flying vehicles. It will be possible to travel between planets and live on them. We will eat a lot of processed food, natural fruits and vegetables will be rare. It will be hot so we will have to wear special overalls. People will live long because we will have better medicines and medical care.
I think people will travel by flying vehicles. It will be possible to travel between planets and live on them. We will eat a lot of processed food, natural fruits and vegetables will be rare. It will be hot so we will have to wear special overalls. People will live long because we will have better medicines and medical care.