Opisz w 10 zdaniach swojego "pamiętnego nauczyciela". chodzi o to , że np. jakiś profesor miał wąsik siwy, wyglądał jak Einstein, był fizykiem, każdy go słuchał uważnie bo , np. krzyczał, skakał po klasie, jakies doświadczenia... albo że jakas pani była bardzo zła, wyżywała sie na uczniach, dawała złe oceny, itp przygody..... nauczyciel którego nie da sie zapomnieć... POMÓżCIE!
My favorite teacher was Mr. Wielki. I remember him very well because he always talking about Chopin's music on our English lessons. He even tried to sing some of Chopin's sonatas. He had no melody but he always fought he has. He has never given any bad marks when you told him something about Chopin. He has even funny look. He was short and had big overweight. When he was angry he was jumping on his short legs and fell many times. But he was very good person. He has never allowed to hurt any of his pupils.
He has even funny look. He was short and had big overweight. When he was angry he was jumping on his short legs and fell many times.
But he was very good person. He has never allowed to hurt any of his pupils.