The elephantis the largestmammalthatis down to earth.Gregariousanimal, lives inthe African savannah, forestsand steppesofthe southern tip ofthe Sahara.In ancient times,usedas beasts ofbattle.He livesabout 70years.Trumpetfemalesand youngelephantslive inherdsled byadult female, with whicheach member ofthe family isrelated.Young malesarechased awayfrom the herdwhenthey reachsexual used forbreathing, sniffing,drinking and"swim" as well asto collectfood andbreakingbranches fromthe higher parts oftrees.
The elephantis the largestmammalthatis down to earth.Gregariousanimal, lives inthe African savannah, forestsand steppesofthe southern tip ofthe Sahara.In ancient times,usedas beasts ofbattle.He livesabout 70years.Trumpetfemalesand youngelephantslive inherdsled byadult female, with whicheach member ofthe family isrelated.Young malesarechased awayfrom the herdwhenthey reachsexual used forbreathing, sniffing,drinking and"swim" as well asto collectfood andbreakingbranches fromthe higher parts oftrees.