Zad 1 .
Napisz prostą definicję lub wyjaśnienie każdego z podanych wyrazów ( po angielsku )
a) marry
d)be born
Zad 2 .
Wykorzustując podane wyrazy , ułóż prawdziwe zdania twierdzące lub przeczące w czasie przeszłym ;
a)I / trawel / to America last year .
b)Cleopatra / marry / Asterix .
c)Marco Polo / travel / to China .
d)My family / win the lottery last year .
e)Picasso / paint / the Mona Lisa .
g)Christopher Columbus / discovery / America .
h)Yuri Gagarin / walk / on the moon .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a. to become officialy a couple, it's connected with the celebraion in the church or council
b. to go to foreign countries, sightsee
c. to encounter
d. to come to the world during the delivery of your mother
2. i didn't travel to America last year.
Cleopatra didn't marry astelix
Marco Polo travelled to China
My family didn't win the lottery last year
Picasso didn't paint Mona Lisa
Christopher Columbus discovered America
Yuri Gagarin walked on the moon