September 2018 1 31 Report

I.) Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy w poniżzych zdanicha. Niektore litery zostały podane.

1.I'm goimg to the ph_rm_ _y to get some cought medicine.

2. Mr.Roberts has had a heart attack and he's staying at the cardiological w_ _d at the moment.

3. Susan's kids hace a cold so she's taking them to the outpatients c_i_ _c.

4. There wheren't any people in the waiting room so I went straight into the doscor's s_rg_ _y.

II.) Zaznacz poprawne słowo.

1. I'm afraid you can only buy these pills if you've fot a recipe/prensription/receipt from your doctor.

2. My grandmother prefers natural medicine so she uses a lot of different spices/herbs/drugs.

3. The dosctor gave me some ear rings/pills/drops for my earache.

4. Before the expedition, we were all given a vaccine/rash/fever against malaria.

5. She was still shocked so the nurse gave her an injury/injection/ointment to help her sleep.

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