I.) Napisz zdania tak aby przekazać podane informacje.
1.Złamałaś nogę zjeżdzając na nartac h. aretka zabrała Cie do szpitala.
2. Nie mogłaś iśc na spotkanie , ponieważ miałaś wysoką gorączke.
3. W drodze do szkoły pomogłaś osobie niewidomej trafić na przystanek autobusowy.
4. Miałaś okropny ból zeba, ale nie mogłaś znależć gabinetu dentystycznego.
5. Przygotowując posiłek przecięłaś sobie palec i zemdlałaś.
II) Napisz rozmowe według podanego scenariusza.
A: Zapytaj dlaczego B nie przujechał na spotkanie.
Why didn't you come to the meeting.
B:Przeproś i powiedz ze miałaś wypadek rowerowy.
A: Wyraź smutek i zapytaj jak to sie stało.
B: Powiedz co Ci sie przytrafiło.
A: Zapytaj kto udzielił B. pomocy.
B: Powiedz kto i jak Ci pomogł.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. You have broken your leg. Ambulance had taken you to hospital.
2. You couldn't go for meeting because you have had a temperature.
3. When you were going to school you helped person which was blind, to land to bus stop.
4. You've had teethache, but you can't go to dentist.
5. When you were prepering meal you cossed your finger and pass out.
A. Ehy didn;t you come to the meeting.
B I'm sorry but I've got bike accident.
A. Oh my god. What's happend?
B. I was riding on my bike . Sudennly I saw car ahead me. Car hit my car and i fall down.
A. Who was helped you?
B. Car driver took me to hospital next he propose me to drive back to home.
I broke my leg when skiing and the ambulance took me to the hospital.
I couldn't go to the meeting because i had high temperature.
I helped blind person get to the bus stop when i walked to school.
I had hardly tooch ache but i couldn't find a dentist.
While i was prepearing the meal i cut my finger.
B: I'm so sorry that i wasn't at the meeting but unfortunately i broke my leg when i was getting out of a bus.
A: Oh thats horrible. Did somebody help you ?
B: Oh yes. There was a polite man who helped me get back home and informed my mom about everything.