I saw many similar graffiti in my town, on the many buildings. it was the same inscription on they, like ''For ever with football" or something like ''I love you Pati". It In my opinion - it is vandalism, because it destroyed new buildings and inscriptions was ugly, black, and very big.
1.I consider pictures B,C as an art,because they show incredible talenI and I enjoy looking at that.
Example of graffiti from picture A is vandalism because its destroying public area.
2 Ithink that message from picture D "feed me" its kind of social message for people who drop litter and propobly someone who wrote message from picture E express what people feel when somebody monitoring them all time.
3.Messages on pictures D and E are funny, also picture C looks good.Nothing special is on picture A,because it isn't a suitable place and its destroying this public area.
4 I saw similar graffiti in my town,especially some scenery on the old buildings, its way to make it a more beautiful places to live.I think it's a great idea, after all, they can't look any worse than they do. Graffiti is art as well as vandalism.
I saw many similar graffiti in my town, on the many buildings. it was the same inscription on they, like ''For ever with football" or something like ''I love you Pati". It In my opinion - it is vandalism, because it destroyed new buildings and inscriptions was ugly, black, and very big.
1.I consider pictures B,C as an art,because they show incredible talenI and I enjoy looking at that.
Example of graffiti from picture A is vandalism because its destroying public area.
2 Ithink that message from picture D "feed me" its kind of social message for people who drop litter and propobly someone who wrote message from picture E express what people feel when somebody monitoring them all time.
3.Messages on pictures D and E are funny, also picture C looks good.Nothing special is on picture A,because it isn't a suitable place and its destroying this public area.
4 I saw similar graffiti in my town,especially some scenery on the old buildings, its way to make it a more beautiful places to live.I think it's a great idea, after all, they can't look any worse than they do. Graffiti is art as well as vandalism.