Odpowiedz na pytania poniżej,krótko 2-3zdania,a także opisać obrazki w załącznikach z tłumaczeniem na język polski bez użycia translatora.
Ex.1.In pairs,describe the photo and answer the questions. (załącznik 1)
1.What do you think the woman are talking about?
2.Do you prefer traditional or modern art?
3.What's the best work of art you've ever created yourself?
Ex2..In pairs,describe the photo and answer the questions.(załącznik2)
1.What kind of performance is this?
2.Do you prefer classical or pop music?
3.When was the last time you (or somebody you know) went to a musical performance?
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1. According to me they are speaking about the clothes they are dressed in. Propably they are talking about the fashion and they want to look like as a model.
2. In my opinion traditional art is easier to understand it. For example we can see the painting " Bitwa pod Grunwaldem" and everyone know what is the topic of it. Modern art is much more different, so it is hart to understand it.
3. I painted the car about which i always dreamed. It was painted very properly.
1. The actors are performing in theatre. They are showing us their art on live.
2. I prefer pop music, becouse it is rhythmical and it is catchy. In addition it is great to dance when you listen it.
3. It was a long time ago. It isn't my cup of tea so i watch this type of art very rarely.