Odpowiedz na pytania ( nie z tłumacza i najlepiej z tłumaczeniem na polski):
1. Small shops still have an important role to play in today's towns and cities. Do you agree ?
2. Campaigns like International Buy Nothing Day are a waste of time.
3. ‘You are what you buy.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
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1.I agree with that, because the supplies of smaller shops are better quality than in supermarkets.It's obvious that many people will choose cheaper shops, but there are still people for whom quality is more important than price. Besides, small shops are more convenient for customers, because they are closer, and shopping can be faster when people don`t have time.
Zgadzam sie z tym, poniewaz zaopatrzenie w malych sklepach ma lepsza jakosc niz w supermarketach. To oczywiste ze duzo ludzi wybierze tansze sklepy, lecz wciaz sa ludzie dla ktorych jakosc jest wazniejsza niz cena. Dodatkowo, male sklepy sa wygodniejsze dla klientow, poniewaz sa one blizej i zakupy w nich sa szybsze, kiedy ludzie nie maja czasu.
2.I agree with that, because if a person does not buy anything one day, the next day he will buy twice as much.If we need something, we go to the shop. This does not make sense to do days without shopping because it does not change anything.
Zgadzam sie z tym, poniewaz jezeli ktos nie kupi czegos jednego dnia, na nastepny kupia dwa razy wiecej. jezeli czegos potrzebujemy, idziemy do sklepu. to bez sensu organizowac dni bez zakupow poniewaz to niczego nie zmieni.
3.I agree with that, because the things, which we buy are part of us. We wear them, we eat, we put it on the furniture.If you buy something, it means we like it or it is tasty for us. It shows who we are.
Zgadzam sie z tym, poniewaz rzeczy, ktore kupujemy sa czescia nas samych. Nosimy je na sobie, jemy je, ukladamy na meblach. Jezeli cos kupujesz, to znaczy ze podoba Ci sie to lub CI to smakuje. To pokazuje, jakimi ludzmi jestesmy.
Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam :)