Po pierwsze nie wiem skąd masz te pytania, w 3 i 4 są błędy - zamiast kind masz caind, zamiast would masz whould. :)
1. I think men an women aren't equally good at jobs. Some jobs are practically only for men, or there are very few women doing them - for example an airplane pilot, taxi driver. It is also proven that men are better at driving than women. Other jobs are typically for women, like a nurse, a secretary. I think this is because of the natural capabilities and characters of the genders. However there are many jobs, actually most, that are both for women and men, like a teacher, shop assistant. So on the whole, I can say that there is some equality.
W numerze 1 odpowiedziałam praktycznie na pytanie 2 rownież, bo ciężko napisać taką wypowiedź bez podania przykładów.
3. In the future, I'd like to be a doctor. Fistly, I really like helping people and I love studying the human body. Secondly, most doctors get a good pay. So becoming a doctor would stabilise my financial situation and make it possible for me to develop my interests.
Po pierwsze nie wiem skąd masz te pytania, w 3 i 4 są błędy - zamiast kind masz caind, zamiast would masz whould. :)
1. I think men an women aren't equally good at jobs. Some jobs are practically only for men, or there are very few women doing them - for example an airplane pilot, taxi driver. It is also proven that men are better at driving than women. Other jobs are typically for women, like a nurse, a secretary. I think this is because of the natural capabilities and characters of the genders. However there are many jobs, actually most, that are both for women and men, like a teacher, shop assistant. So on the whole, I can say that there is some equality.
W numerze 1 odpowiedziałam praktycznie na pytanie 2 rownież, bo ciężko napisać taką wypowiedź bez podania przykładów.
3. In the future, I'd like to be a doctor. Fistly, I really like helping people and I love studying the human body. Secondly, most doctors get a good pay. So becoming a doctor would stabilise my financial situation and make it possible for me to develop my interests.