September 2018 2 34 Report


a. 135+(-18)-61=

b. -35-(-16)=

c. 16+17-18-20+6=

d. -4-7-8+19=

e. -8x(-7)=

f. -18x7=

g. -16x(-18)=

h. 10x(-61)=

i. 28x(-2)x(-5)=

j. 100x(-4)x6=

k. -7x(-9)x(-12)=

Z gór dzięki i proszę o szybką i poprawną odp.!! daje naj!! a i ten znak: x oznacza znak mnożenia!!!

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Read the conversation and decide where these phrases go.a If I buy her a mobile phone.b If I don't get somethin now.c if she doesn't like skateboarding.d we'll miss the fireworks.e the shops will be shut.f she'll kill me.Gavin: What time is it?Toby: 5:30.Gavin: Come on! Better get going! The fireworks start at 6:00. If we don't go now, (1) ................Toby: Oh, all right. But I've still got to find something for Rebecca.Gavin: When's her birthday?Toby: Next Friday. (2) ................... I won't have time during the week.Gavin: Look, let's go shopping tommorow.Toby: But if we leave it until tommorow, (3) ................Gavin: How about... I don't know, a mobile phone?Toby: You must be joking! I don't have that kind of money. (4) ................. I won't have any money for the fireworks. Get real, Gavin!Gavin: What about a CD?Toby: They're quite expensive.Gavin: Britney Spears? Robbie Williams? Jennifer Lopez?Toby: Ha! If I buy her a Jennifer Lopez CD, (5) ............. She can't bear her.Gavin: Well, come on, Toby. If we don't go to the fireworks now, we'll be too late.Toby: Yes, OK...Gavin: I know! Maybe she'd like a poster.Toby: That's brilliant! But... who?Gavin: I don't know, Toby, who does she fancy?Toby: Ricky Martin. She thinks he's cute. But there aren't any Ricky Martin posters. I know! A skateboard!Gavin: Toby, does she like skateboarding?Toby: Well, no...Gavin: Look, Toby, (6) ............ she won't want a skateboard. Come on!BŁAGAM POMÓŻCIE!!!!!!! DUŻO PUNKTÓW!!!!!!!! NA ZA PÓŁ GODZINY!!!!! POPRAWNE ROZWIĄZANIE!!!!!!

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