August 2018 1 17 Report
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proszę o sprawdzenie czy wybrałam odpowiedni czasBarbara and John are neighbours. They 1have known (know)each other for several years. Barbara 2moved (move)into her house in 1985, and John 3)live (live)next door since he 4)has come (come) to the area in 1986. Barbara is writer. She 5) has written (write) seven novels, and 6 has won (win) several awards for her books. A few years ago, she 7 won (win)the Pulitzer Prize for the most promising author of the year. At the moment, she 8 has been writting (write) a detective story. John hasn't got a job. He 9has been (be)unemployed for six months. He 10)worked (work) for a textile firm which 11had (have) to close because it 12) hadn't (not have) enough orders.Yesterday afternoon, Barbara went round to John's house. John 13)read (read) a book..'Hello, John,” said Barbara. 'How are you?''I 14)don't feel (not feel) very well,actally,' John replied.'What's the matter?''I 15)have had (have) pains in my chest since Monday. When I 16 cough (cough) , it really 17)hurt (hurt). It 18)won't be (not be) so bad if I 19don't smoke(not smoke) so much, but I don't seem to be able to stop.'You really should try to cut down.. I 20 have feel (feel) much better since I 21)stoped. (stop)22) (have) any replies to your letters of application?'Yes. Quide a few. I've got an interview tomorrow, and I think I stand quitea good chance. If I 23).get.(get) the job, we 24).will go.(go) out to celebrate''What a lovely idea! Good luck with the interview them, and be careful with your smoking.

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