October 2018 2 20 Report

oblicz objętość i pole prostopadłościanu o wymiarach:

a) 10 cm * 3 cm * 8 cm

b) 5 dm * 4 dm * 5 dm

c) 30 cm * 0,5 m * 4 dm

2.Oblicz objętość i pole sześcianu o krawędzi:

a) 7 cm

b)11 cm

c) 1,4 dm

3.Ile litrów wody zmieści się w akwarium o wymiarach 50 cm * 40 cm * 30 cm? Jaką powierzchnię ma to akwarium

4.Czy 100 dm2 (sto decymetrów kwadratowych) papieru wystarczy na oklejeniu dwóch pudełek w kształcie sześcianu o krawędzi 3 dm każdy?

5.Oblicz objętość poniższych graniastosłupów:

a) 6 cm,2 cm, 7 cm

b) 12 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm

c) 30 cm, 8 cm,10 cm, 20 cm

nie wiem czy to tak powinno być zapisane ! Takie są dane !

6.Oblicz objętość graniastosłupa, którego podstawą jest kwadrat o obwodzie 24 cm, a wysokość graniastosłupa jest 5 razy dłuższa od krawędzi podstawy.

7.Prostopadłościenna piaskownica ma wymiary 6 m * 4 m * 0,5 m. Ile m3 (metrów sześciennych) piasku potrzeba do jej wypełnienia ?

Bardzo Proszę o odpowiedz! Mam nadzieję, że uda się jak najszybciej! Dziękuje wszystkim za udzielenie odpowiedzi ! Jeżeli będzie z którymś zadaniem problem to proszę pytać ! Potrzebuje odpowiedzi do końca dnia!

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18.1 Write for or since1. She's been in London since Monday.2. She's been in London for four day.3. Mike has been ill ......... a long time. He's been in hospital ......... October.4. My aunt has lived in Australia ......... 15 years.5. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ......... many years.6. Mrs Harris is in her office. She's been there ........ 7 o'clock7. India has been an independent country ....... 1947.8. The bus is late. We've been wainting ....... 20 minutes.18.2 When was...? Use ago in your answers.1. your last meal? ......................................................................2. last December? ......................................................................3. 1984? .................................................................................4. the last time you were ill? .........................................................5. the last time you went to the cinema?............................................................................................6. the last time you drank coffee?............................................................................................7. the last time you were in a car?.............................................................................................8. the last time you read a newspaper?.............................................................................................18.3 Answer the questions. Use the words in brackets ( ) + for or ago.1. (four days) When did she arrive in London? four days ago.2. (four days) How long has she been in London? for four days.3. (20 years) How long have they been married? ...............................4. (20 years) How long have they get married? .................................5. (ten minutes) When did Dan arrive? .............................................6. (two months) When did you buy those shoes? ..................................7. (two months) How long has she been learning English? ......................8. (a long time) How long have you known Jan? ..................................9. (an hour) What time did you have lunch? .......................................18.4 Complete the sentenceses with for... or since...1. She is in London now. She arrived there four days ago. She has been there for four days.2. Jack is here. He arrived here on Thursday. He has .............................3. It is raining. It started an hour ago. It's been ...................................4. I know Sue. I first met Sue two years ago. I've .................................5. I have camera. I bought it in 1985. I've .........................................6. They are married. They got married six months ago. They've ................7. Liz is studying medicine at university. She started three years ago. She has..................................................................................18.5 Write sentences about yourself. Begin with the words in brackets ( ).1. (I've lived) ...........................................................................2. (I've been) ...........................................................................3. (I've been learning) .................................................................4. (I've had) ............................................................................5. (I've known) .........................................................................Proszę o jak najszybszą odpowiedź, zależy mi na czasie. Dziękuje. Zależy mi również, aby wykonać wszystkie zadanie, nierozumiem czasu Present perfect.
Potrzebuje jak najszybciej odpowiedzi. Mam nadzieję, że uda się to Tobię rozwiązać. Ja nie kapuje czasu Present Perfect!17.1. Complete these sentences.1.Jill is in London. She has been in London since Monday.2. I know George. Ihave known him for a long time.3. They are married. They .......... married since 1983.4. Brian is ill. He .......... ill for a week.5. We live in this house. We .......... here for ten years.6. I know Tom very well. I .......... him for a long time.7. We are waiting for you. We .......... waiting since 8 o'clock.8. Alice works in a bank. She .......... in a bank for five years.9. I'm learning English. I .......... learning English for six months.10. She has a headache. She .......... a headache since she got up.17.2. Make questions with How long ... ?1. Jill is in London. How long has she been in London?2. I know George. How long have you known him?3. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. How long ..........?4. Diana is learning Italian. How long ..........?5. My brother lives in Germany. .........?6. It is raining. ..........?7. Bill is a teacher. ..........?8. I know Margaret. ..........?9. I have a motor - bike. ..........?10. Linda and Frank are married. ..........?11. Alan works in London. .........?17.3. Write a sentence for each picture ( w załączniku). Use the words below the pictures.Słówka pod obrazkami:for ten years. since Sunday. for two hours. all day. all her life. for five years1. They have been married for ten years.2. He .......................................................... since Sunday.3. They ........................ television........................ .4. It .................................................................. all day.5. She......................................................................6. He ..........................................................................Słówka które są napisane na obrazkach nie wiem czy są widoczne dlatego je napiszę:1. We're married.2. I'm in hospital.3. We're watching television.4. It's raining.5. I live in Wales.6. I have a beard.Proszę o szybką i poprawną odpowiedź dam naj i liczę, że skorzystacie z Załączników sa potrzebne do zadania 17.3

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