October 2018 1 24 Report

Oblicz gk (grawitację księżyca)


Mk = \frac{1}{81}

Rk = \frac{1}{3,7}

Jeśli F = G\frac{Mm}{R2} i F = m * a to m * a= G\frac{Mm}{R2}


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Uzupełnicie?I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę i napisz jaki to czas 1) My sister __________________ their students now. (cz.____________) teaches teach is teaching 2) I __________________ to play basketball. (cz.____________) love loves am loving 3) Why __________________ your homework now? (cz.____________) are you doing do you do do you doing 4) My school team __________________ every day on the gym. (cz._________) Is practicing practice practices 5) __________________ you always __________________ to school by bus? Do / go Do / going Are / going (cz.____________) II. Popraw błędy 1) Look! Hi is talk to his girlfriend! ___________________________________________________________ 2) He want to be a doctor ___________________________________________________________ 3) Do you doing your homework every day? ___________________________________________________________ 4) Today is an exam, so we don’t having any lessons. ___________________________________________________________ 5) Susan isn’t liking parties, she’s very shy. ___________________________________________________________ III. Utwórz pytania oraz zaprzeczenia do podanych zdań. 1) She is his girlfriend. a) ____________________________________________________? b) ____________________________________________________ 2) I want some coffee. a) ____________________________________________________? b) ____________________________________________________ 3) They’re cool. a) ____________________________________________________? b) ____________________________________________________ 4) The book is green. a) ____________________________________________________? b) ____________________________________________________ 5) We’re at the airport. a) ____________________________________________________? b) ____________________________________________________ IV. Wstaw Prasal verbs. 1) The director just …………………………… (wszedł / III f. czas.) to the building. 2) He just …………………………… (dowiedział się / III f. czas.) that He became a father. 3) When she …………………………… (wysiadła / cz. Past Simple) the car, she fell off. 4) I …………………………… (kontynuuję) my work in fabric. 5) She drop out her keys but just after she …………………………… (podniosła / cz. Past Simple) them. V. Utwórz zdania z podanymi przymiotnikami: 1) delighted _______________________________________________________ 2) furious _________________________________________________________ 3) dissapointing ____________________________________________________ 4) creative ________________________________________________________ 5) useful __________________________________________________________

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