October 2018 1 19 Report

Hejka mam proźbę czy mogliyście mi pomóc w napisanu ogłoszenia . Bardzo proszę

Jesteś na wakacjach u cioci w Walli . Wczoraj zagniął kot cioci . Obiecałeś / Obiecałaś napisać ogłoszenie i rowiesić je w okolicy . W ogłoszeniu

- opisz wygląd kota ,

- poproś o kontakt osoby , które widziały kota ,

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Podisz się jako xyz rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, pamiętając że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność przekazania informacji, spójność, bogactwo języka, oraz poprawność językowa.

Bardzo was proszę na dzisiaj

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BARDZO PROSZĘ NIE MUSI BYĆ TO NA JUTROThe ghost had lost all hope . He was never going to frighten this rude American family . He walked around the corridors in a pair of slippers . He wore a heavy red scarf around his neck to protect himself from draughts . He also carried an old gun because he was so afraid of the twins . However , on the night of the 19th of September , he received the final blow . He had gone downstairs to the great entrance hall . He believed that there , at least , he would be safe .He was making fun of the portraits of the Ambassador and his family . These were new and had replaced the Canterville family portraits . It was about a quarter past two in the morning and-as far as he knew – everybody was asleep . So , he thought it was safe enough to walk around the house . Suddenly , two figures jumped out from a dark corner and screamed “BOO” in his ear . The ghost was terrified and rushed towards the stairs as fast as he could . But there , he found Washington Otis ,who was holding a gun . The poor old ghost was surrounded by his enemies . The only way to escape was through the fireplace , which fortunately was not lit . So , he quickly disappeared into the fireplace and made is way to his room through the chimneys .When he arrived back at his room , he was covered in dirt and feeling desperate.After this , the poor old ghost was not seen again in the corriodors . This annoyed their parents and the servants a lot . But the ghost didn't appear . Obviously , his feelins had been hurt . Without the ghost , the family's life at Canterville Chase was quite different . Mr Otis started writing a history book , Mrs Otis organised a wonderful party , the boys started playing traditional American games an Virginia rode in the country on her pony , together with the young Duke of Cheshire was in the house . The Duke's grandfather , Lord Stilton , had once bet a lot of money that he would play dice with the Canterville Ghost The next morning , the old Lord was found on the floor of the games room paralysed with fear . He lived till he was very old , but for the rest of his life he was not able to say anything except "Double sixes " . The ghost felt that it would be nice to Vamire Monk . He got ready , but at the last moment he decided not to leave his room because he was afraid of the twins . So , the young Duke slept safely in his bed and dreamt of Virginia .

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