September 2018 1 20 Report
O graniastosłupie wiemy , jego wyskość wynosi 17 cm , pole powierzchni całkowitej 300 com * , a pole powierzchni bocznej 204 cm * . Jakie inne wielkości potrafisz podać , które są zwiątane z tym granistosłupem ?
* to - cm kwadratowe
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czekamm do 18 . 00 ;<>

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Błagam o pomoc . STREŚĆ W 10 ZDANIACH PODANY TEKST From Spain to Outer Spece !Imagine the scene- you're on holiday, and you're looking out of the hotel window at an amazing view: planet Earth! Soon, this idea might not be science fiction . A company in Barcelona has got plans fot the world's first space hotel. According to director Xavier Claramunt, the Galactic Suite hotel is going to open soon. Six lucky millionaires wiil have the opportunity to be the first guests. This will be the most expensive hotel in the Galaxy- $4million for a three-day holiday! Guests will get into a spaceship in the city before travelling into space. Then they'll go round the Earth every 80 minutes, and see 15 sunrises every day. They won't be alble to walk around0 they'll wear special Velco suits, and climb up the walls like Spiderman. Thay won't be albe to have a bath until tehy get home, and using the toilet in zero gravity will be quite a challenge! But how many people are going to have enough money to visit the Galactic Suite? About 40,000 people in the world are rich enough, but they won;t all want to go. Claramunt insists that it will be the holiday of a lifetime. The price includes an eight-week training course on a tropical island, where galactic tourists will learn everything they need to know. That'll surely be more luxuriuos than life in zero gravity! Barcelona is not the only contender in the race for space tourism. British and Smerican companies are also planning to ofer space tourism before the end of this decade. It might not be the reality today, but perhaps ane day. Mars will be more popular than Marbella !Bardzo prosze o pomoc jeszcze spr jutro . NIe ogarniam wgl . angielskiego. Prosze !

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