Śniło Ci się ,że jesteś superbochaterem napisz swoje wrażenia w czasie past simple :)
I had a marvellous dream! It was something really fantastic! I was a superhero! I could fly and do a lot of things which normally I couldn't be able to do. In this dream, I was able to lift heavy stones and speak 10 different languages like a native speaker! I knew English, French, Chinese, Japanese and many more! What's more, I was able to speak with animals. It was a little bit weird to speak with my own cat but I had fun, actually! I helped lots of people with their problems and troubles, I felt that I would do it all the time! I was also super fast so I could move and nobody was able to see me. I had a plan to do something wrong but I refreined myself from doing it. Superheros aren't like that, I think.