Napisz maila do kolegi/koleżanki z Londynu w którym przeprosisz go/ją , że nie możesz do niego/niej przyjechać , bo miałeś wypadek lub zachorowałeś. Opiszesz jak i kiedy do tego doszło, kto udzielił ci pomocy i zaproponujesz nowy termin spotkania.
I'm sorry but I can't fly to Poland to visit you.I'm very sick.I got huge headache and i really can't go nowhere.I feel so bad.For three days im in my home, in bed, i've jsut gone for a moment to send this e-mail for you.My mom is constantly giving me a hot tea or cold pulitice.Can we meet when I'll be healthful?It would be great because i really want to meet with you.Maybe next month? I think i can stay for two weeks.Please reply.
Hi John!
I'm sorry but I can't fly to Poland to visit you.I'm very sick.I got huge headache and i really can't go nowhere.I feel so bad.For three days im in my home, in bed, i've jsut gone for a moment to send this e-mail for you.My mom is constantly giving me a hot tea or cold pulitice.Can we meet when I'll be healthful?It would be great because i really want to meet with you.Maybe next month? I think i can stay for two weeks.Please reply.
Dear Marlena