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Reading - to be shame of it, or be proud - that is the question
These days people are becoming more, and more reluctant to wisdom. The saying "ignorance is bliss" is starting to become people's way of thinking. An ubiquitous phenomenon, as it were. Then what is attitude towards reading in such ignorant times ? Is it on the verge of obsolescence or still alive and kicking ?
My little interviewing
In order to answer this question I went to several places and interviewed multitude of people of manifold age. I started with going to our college, which, to my dismay, was off the chart.
Our lovely college
I tried not to ask people I know well, because they might deprive this article of objectivity. Being hundreds of people here, it was quite a piece of cake to find them.
Our 'well-read' students
My first impression, after asking first five people was like "how did they got as far as up to here, college ?" They all claimed to have have read any books since their primary school. Three of them even claimed to have skipped the mandatory reading. The sixth one was a bit better - he has read one book of his own will. I interviewed yet ten people - for which the effect was the same - and set off for another place.
It’s still alive
This time my target was our high school just the opposite to us. My impression was wholly different. I wondered how much people could differ just by a distance of a street difference – younger ones, to say. After interviewing twenty people, they all but one claimed to have read at an average ten books since the beginning of the year. The ‘but one’ person was like our students. Then I went for the market.
I can’t come up with another word than that. I interview like a hundred of people and yet, only five of them knew the contents of the most common books which ‘must have been read’ during their course of studying. The rest of them, was just playing dumb, and even was proud of not having read nearly NONE book in their lives.
As summary, I will just get all these things together – reading is dying. People think it is a shame to read a book. Dumbness is a desired trait - what times are we destined to live …
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Reading - to be shame of it, or be proud - that is the question
/ashamed/ + / to be ashamed or to be proud of it /
These days people are becoming more, and more reluctant to wisdom.
/bez przecinka/ + /słowo ‘wisdom’ nie pasuje semantycznie – “być niechętnym do mądrości”; niechętnym można być np. do nauki ‘reluctant to learn’ – [reluctant to + infinitive]/
An ubiquitous phenomenon, as it was. /ta część nie powinna funkcjonować jego niezależne zdanie. /
Then what is attitude towards reading in such ignorant times ? /’then’ na początku sprawia, że zdanie traci swój formalny character/ + / przed słowem ‘attitude’ trzeba wstawić rodzajnik/
My little interviewing /research/
I tried to don't ask people who I know well, /I tried not to ask/
Being hundreds of people here, it was quite a piece of cake to find them. / Na początku np. Konstrukcja “As there were…”; z całą pewnością nie ‘’being’’/ + / nie ‘here’ a ‘there’/
My first impression, after asking first five people was like "how did they got as far as up to here, college ?" /bez pierwszego przecinka/ + / the first five/ + /how did they get/ + / college na końcu całkowicie psuje zdaje; należałoby pozbyć się części ‘here , ‘/
They all claimed to haven't (bez drugiego have) readany book
/They claimed they had not read any books../
Three of them even claimed to have skipped the mandatory reading. /następstwo czasów/
The sixth one was a bit better - he has read one book of his own(bez will) /on his own.. I interviewed yet ten people / ‘already’ zamiast ‘yet’/ + / zdanie powinno zostać napisane w czasie present perfect/
This time my target was our high school just the opposite to us. /’us’? Czyli kogo?/ My impression was wholly different. I wondered how much people could differ just by a distance of a street difference /ostatnie difference sprawia, że ciężko domyśleć się znaczenia tego zdania/
After interviewing twenty people, they allsaid one claimed to have read at an average ten books since the beginning of the year. /zły czas, nieodpowiednia koordynacja zdania, brak następstwa czasu/
I interview like a hundred of people and , only five of them knew the contents of the most common books yet which ‘must have been read’ during their course of studying. /nieodpowiedni czas/
The rest of them, was just playing dumb, and even was proud of not having read nearly NONE book in their lives. /podwójne przeczenie/