Odpowiedz na pytania: 1.Dlaczego duże centra handlowe są tak bardzo popularne. 2.Czu uważasz ze ludzie kupują więcej niż potrzebują.Dlaczego tak/nie. 3.Czy lubisz kupować rzeczy do ubioru. 4.Czy jest ważne dla ciebie ubierać się modnie. 5.Czy dobrym pomysłem jest posiadanie karty kredytowej. 6.Czy uważasz że warto czekać z kupowaniem na wyprzedażach. 7.Jakie są różnice pomiędzy jedzeniem w domu a restauracji. 8.Czy uważasz że jedzenie posiłków z rodzina jest ważne. 9.Jaka jest twoja ulubiona restauracja. 10.Jak twoim zadaniem wygląda nie zdrowa dieta. 11.Czy lubisz ogladać programy w tv o gotowaniu.
1 shopping centres are popular, because you can buy there almost everything, even things you don't need. 2 We buy more than we need because of advertisements that are displayed almost everywhere. A lot of people don't do shopping lists too and they don't know what do they really need. 3 I don't like buying clothes. It's too time-consuming, in my opinion. 4 I'm not interested in fashion. Clothes should be comfy, cheap and durable (trwałe). That's all. 5 Having a credit card is not a good idea. It's much easier to save money and don't buy unnecessary things, when you actually see the money you spend. 6 Clearance sales can be very underhanded (oszukańcze) sometimes. Shops often raise the prices just before the sale, and then reduce them to normal level. 7 First of all, home food is cheaper than the restaurant one. It can be healthier also, because you choose what ingridients will be used. 8 Eating with family is very important. It helps to uphold family ties. It's also a good chance to talk. 9 My favourite restaurant is situated around my block of flats. I eat chinese food there. It's very delicious and the owners seem to be very friendly. 10 Unhealthy meals usually contain a lot of fat, sugar and colorants. Eating meat and potatoes can be death-dealing too. 11 I don't really like watching cooking programms on TV. For me, airtime shouldn't be wasted on so mundane(przyziemne) things.
2 We buy more than we need because of advertisements that are displayed almost everywhere. A lot of people don't do shopping lists too and they don't know what do they really need.
3 I don't like buying clothes. It's too time-consuming, in my opinion.
4 I'm not interested in fashion. Clothes should be comfy, cheap and durable (trwałe). That's all.
5 Having a credit card is not a good idea. It's much easier to save money and don't buy unnecessary things, when you actually see the money you spend.
6 Clearance sales can be very underhanded (oszukańcze) sometimes. Shops often raise the prices just before the sale, and then reduce them to normal level.
7 First of all, home food is cheaper than the restaurant one. It can be healthier also, because you choose what ingridients will be used.
8 Eating with family is very important. It helps to uphold family ties. It's also a good chance to talk.
9 My favourite restaurant is situated around my block of flats. I eat chinese food there. It's very delicious and the owners seem to be very friendly.
10 Unhealthy meals usually contain a lot of fat, sugar and colorants. Eating meat and potatoes can be death-dealing too.
11 I don't really like watching cooking programms on TV. For me, airtime shouldn't be wasted on so mundane(przyziemne) things.