W klubie sportowym poznałeś/-aś ciekawą osobę.W e-mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii napisz:
- jak się poznaliście, - jak on/ona wygląda, - jak zamierzasz spędzić z nim/nią najbliższy weekend.
Hello Jakob, At first, I would like to thank you for your e - mail. I am very sorry I haven't written for so long but lately happened a lot of things. I am writing to tell you that one week ago I met someone in sports club when we were playing in basketball in the same team. He is new and he is a such good basketball player. His name is Patrick and he is 18. He is the tallest player in all sports club! He has got blond hair and blue ayes. I am going to spend with him this weekend. I feel that it will be the best time in my life! We will go to basketball competition, cinema, swimming pool and to diffrent great places. I can't wait! Write back soon. Much love, XYZ