1. Otrzymałaś/łeś list od Angielki/Anglika, który chce nawiązać z Tobą korespondencję. Napisz do Niej/Niego list, w którym: • Przedstaw się i opisz krótko swoją rodzinę • Opisz miejscowość, w której mieszkasz i swoje hobby • Opisz swój zwykły dzień • Napisz jak spędzasz dzień wolny od pracy/nauki ^ 120- 150 wyrazów
2. Kolega zgubił portfel . Napisz do niego wiadomość, w której: • Wyraź z tego powodu współczucie • Napisz , że to był pech • Wyraź nadzieję, że portfel się znajdzie • Zaproponuj pożyczkę
Otrzymałaś/łeś list od Angielki/Anglika, który chce nawiązać z Tobą korespondencję.Napisz do Niej/Niego list, w którym:• Przedstaw się i opisz krótko swoją rodzinę• Opisz miejscowość, w której mieszkasz i swoje hobby• Opisz swój zwykły dzień• Napisz jak spędzasz dzień wolny od pracy/nauki
Dear XXX
Thanks a lot for your message. I'm so happy and I hope I will be able to make friends with you. Let me introduce myself. My name is XXX I live in a small village. It's a small coastal city with a lot of interesting buildings and parks. We have a lot of trees and there is a beautiful old town in the middle. I can send you some pictures if you would like to. I live here with my family. My parents are both working as a doctors at local hospital. My mum is optician and my dad is surgeon. I have a sister called Joanna who is in the same school as me. She is very kind girl though we argue a lot ! I also have two dogs. Everyday I'm going to school, I learn a lot because I want to become doctor as my parents, so usually I have some extra lessons after school and a lot of homework. In my free time I practise football and I have to say I'm really good at it. I'm the captain of my team and my coacher says I have a big talent ! I look forward for your next message, I hope you will message me soon !
Dear XXX
Thanks a lot for your message. I'm so happy and I hope I will be able to make friends with you. Let me introduce myself.
My name is XXX I live in a small village. It's a small coastal city with a lot of interesting buildings and parks. We have a lot of trees and there is a beautiful old town in the middle. I can send you some pictures if you would like to. I live here with my family. My parents are both working as a doctors at local hospital. My mum is optician and my dad is surgeon. I have a sister called Joanna who is in the same school as me. She is very kind girl though we argue a lot ! I also have two dogs.
Everyday I'm going to school, I learn a lot because I want to become doctor as my parents, so usually I have some extra lessons after school and a lot of homework. In my free time I practise football and I have to say I'm really good at it. I'm the captain of my team and my coacher says I have a big talent !
I look forward for your next message, I hope you will message me soon !
Greetings, XXX