Cierpisz z powodu problemu zdrowotnego.Napisz do przyjaciela z Irlandii list,w którym: - objaśnisz problem i jego symptomy - wspomnisz o dwóch rzeczach,które zrobiłeś w związku z tym problemem - poinformujesz,jak długo spodziewasz się mieć ten problem - zapytasz czy przyjaciel ma dla ciebie jakąs rade
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Dear Sophie, I am very sorry that I haven'twritten for so long, but I am very ill.I am not strong to write as ofter as earlier. Last week I came back from school and I was very tired. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep immediately. When I woke up I discovered that my both hands are covered in some kind of orange spots.I also had a fever. At school we have a poisonous spider. We feed it and I forgot to put on gloves. We touched my hands and I felt ill. When I realised that I phoned my biology teacher and she told me to drink a lot of water. I also called a doctor and he told me to put a skin cream on both hands so the rush will disappear. The doctor said that I will be ill for two more weeks ten the rush will disappear. Can you help me? Do you know how I can get rid of tis orange colour? Please help me. Write as soon aspossible. Take care, xyz
I am very sorry that I haven'twritten for so long, but I am very ill.I am not strong to write as ofter as earlier.
Last week I came back from school and I was very tired. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep immediately. When I woke up I discovered that my both hands are covered in some kind of orange spots.I also had a fever.
At school we have a poisonous spider. We feed it and I forgot to put on gloves. We touched my hands and I felt ill. When I realised that I phoned my biology teacher and she told me to drink a lot of water. I also called a doctor and he told me to put a skin cream on both hands so the rush will disappear.
The doctor said that I will be ill for two more weeks ten the rush will disappear. Can you help me? Do you know how I can get rid of tis orange colour? Please help me. Write as soon aspossible.
Take care, xyz