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DizzyEggSomebody/ Someone wanted to see you. There's something you have to do for me. I'm sure my keys are somewhere in the house. But to tell the truth they could be anywhere! Has anyone/anybody seen my keys? I don't know anything about it. I know nothing about picking locks. (picking locks to otwieranie zamków w sensie bez kluczy xD) Nobody/No one has helped me in my search.. My precious watch is nowhere to be found! Everything is going according to plan. Everyone/Everybody was scared. I've been looking everywhere for my FUCKING(opcjonalne słowo) keys.
There's something you have to do for me.
I'm sure my keys are somewhere in the house. But to tell the truth they could be anywhere!
Has anyone/anybody seen my keys?
I don't know anything about it.
I know nothing about picking locks. (picking locks to otwieranie zamków w sensie bez kluczy xD)
Nobody/No one has helped me in my search..
My precious watch is nowhere to be found!
Everything is going according to plan.
Everyone/Everybody was scared.
I've been looking everywhere for my FUCKING(opcjonalne słowo) keys.